• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Killing Floor And you wonder how zeds get in your back all the time... :D

    Killing Floor And you wonder how zeds get in your back all the time... :D

    And you wonder how zeds get in your back all the time... :D

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    If gunslinger and swat can do this... why didn’t tripwire allow this for the medic.... it’s pretty good, this should be “zedative” for medic..

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:43 PM PST

    How to trade skins on console

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    I'm relatively new to this game, however I have some skins and I was wondering if there was any way to trade skins on console

    submitted by /u/octopusman394
    [link] [comments]

    Any way to set this value to a default?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    I was playing a HoE game and i encountered this weird arm glitch

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:09 AM PST

    You have to be kidding me?!? (Mosin Nagant)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    They literally got the exact models and animations of the Mosin Nagant from their other game, Rising Storm 2, and then copied and pasted it straight over to Killing Floor 2.


    They essentially just clicked and dragged some fucking files over and they're charging 10$ for it. Like what the actual fuck.

    Yeah I get they had to balance it and all but that probably took an afternoon at most. I make up weapons and balance them in my free time.

    submitted by /u/ChristianMom29
    [link] [comments]

    My most intense wave in this game.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Server is showing on LAN but not on Server Browser

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    Title says all. Lets see if you can help me out.
    I have yet to see my server on the browser but I've tried opening the server before and after I load KF2 and no positive results. I have also tried updating the server, still not an option.

    Thank you for your time!

    Ports I'm forwarding
    20560 TCP/UDP
    7777 TCP/UDP
    27015 UDP
    123 UDP
    8080 TCP

    Heres my server log:

    [0001.87] Init: Version: 10897
    [0001.88] Init: Epic Internal: 0
    [0001.88] Init: Compiled (64-bit): Oct 10 2019 15:46:11
    [0001.88] Init: Command line: KF-KillZone_Wabbitedit ?Mutator=ClassicScoreboard.ClassicSCMut,KFMutator.KFMutator_MaxPlayersV2?MaxPlayers=64?MaxMonsters=120?Difficulty=0
    [0001.88] Init: Base directory: C:\kf2server\Binaries\win64\
    [0001.88] Init: Character set: Unicode
    [0001.89] Init: Process ID: 7300
    [0001.89] Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
    [0001.89] Log: Initializing Game Engine...
    [0001.89] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
    [0001.94] Log: *** Updating timed game events
    [0001.94] Log: **** Current Time: 2019 11 16 4 44 6
    [0001.94] Log: **** World start in seconds: 1492491600
    [0001.94] Log: **** Current time in seconds: 1573901046
    [0001.94] Log: **** Intended weekly index: 134
    [0001.97] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture2D FX_GORE_TEX.FX_Gore_Blend_All_D': Failed to find object 'Texture2D FX_GORE_TEX.FX_Gore_Blend_All_D'
    [0001.97] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither) for 'ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ENG_EngineResources_TEX]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither]?
    [0001.97] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture2D ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern': Failed to find object 'Texture2D ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern'
    [0002.00] Init: UEngine initialized
    [0002.00] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
    [0002.01] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable (not required for servers)
    [0002.02] DevOnline: Signing into the local profile
    [0002.02] Log: [TWAnalytics::requestInventoryItem] Requesting Item Id: 0 but NULL steamuser
    [0002.02] Log: AllocateAPIEndpoint is
    [0002.02] Log: DeallocateAPIEndpoint is
    [0002.03] DevNet: Browse: KF-KillZone_Wabbitedit?Name=Player?Team=255
    [0002.04] Log: LoadMap: KF-KillZone_Wabbitedit?Name=Player?Team=255
    [0002.91] Log: Game class is 'KFGameInfo_Endless'
    [0002.91] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
    [0002.91] Init: WinSock: I am Letsee (
    [0002.91] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
    [0002.91] DevNet: IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 TcpNetDriver listening on port 7777
    [0002.96] DevNet: Spawning: IpDrv.WebServer
    [0002.96] Log: NetMode is now 1
    [0002.97] Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID ***
    [0002.97] Log: Bringing World KF-KillZone_Wabbitedit.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2019.11.16-22.44.06
    [0002.97] DevOnline: Steam server wants VAC: 1
    [0002.97] Log: Initializing Steam game server
    [0002.97] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::PublishSteamServer: Steam Game Server UID: 0
    [0002.97] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::PublishSteamServer: setting bAuthReady to false
    [0002.97] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 0, Server: L3X8's Fun House, Map: KF-KillZone_Wabbitedit, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Endless
    [0002.98] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:6,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:0,i:0,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,f:0,
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=6
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=False
    [0002.98] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-BurningParis
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=0
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
    [0002.99] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=True
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=False
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
    [0003.00] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=L3X8's Fun House
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_NoSession
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
    [0003.01] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=

    submitted by /u/L3X8
    [link] [comments]

    Killing Floor 2: Catacombs Survival 10 Waves Commando

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST

    Matriarch strategy

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Hey. So as most of you know, Matriarch is a bit budunkers with her laser beam of ultimate destruction. However, I found a good strategy that works out well....if you're in multiplayer.

    Berserker with the Skull basher, baby! Get Parry for the additional damage reduction. Get the 175hp perk if you have a medic. Have said medic equip the skill that grants damage reduction to allies upon heal. Just stand in front of Matriarch with your shield up. Parry when you can. Trust me, while you're blocking, a full laser will not kill you.

    Also, I think if you're close to her, she doesn't do the full laser blast. I think it's more of a small burst instead. I'm not entirely sure.

    What I do know is that while standing in front of her, point blank, kissing distance, I have never died so long as I had my shield up.

    Hope this helps.

    submitted by /u/Keen_Eye_Eli
    [link] [comments]

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