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    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    Killing Floor The pub Suicidal experience

    Killing Floor The pub Suicidal experience

    The pub Suicidal experience

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:47 AM PST

    ~Bad Boys theme playing in background

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:38 PM PST

    Can someone please help me with this issue? its literally taking as much as the size on disk, instead of the 67gb according to steam.. the game took my game drive down to 2gb free, this is ridiculous

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PST

    My experience

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Been playing Kf2 since early Alpha when it was released and with almost 700 hour on record I am sad.

    The early game was more fun than any pub you would join today, in the early games everyone was level 0 and only starting out, it was new and it was fun. Hans being the only boss at the time and being pretty unbalanced resulted in pretty much very one buying a AA-12 to stand a chance no matter the perk.

    But now it genuinely sucks to join most servers. By having every perk max leveled playing anything below Suicidal or Hell on Earth difficulty is way too easy and unenjoyable. And this is where the issues start.

    FIrst off the damage dealt on both Suicidal and HoE are unbalanced for the Stalker and Crawler, they are both fast and low HP enemies but in the most inconvenient of situations if you're cornered by 3 or 4 of either you are good as dead. Their attacks are fast and just deal too much damage. In other cases the waves feel slow or sometimes spawn 5 or 6 husks or sirens around the corner and choke to death.

    Also whoevers idea was it to scale difficulty to player numbers in servers ruined half of the appeal of the game.

    I know fleshpounds are supposed to be the most tankiest and dangerous of enemies but when 2 of them spawn aggroed they tend to go for one player which in both cases is a insta kill and it has happened enough times that when I see it happen to players they just quit, and I can't blame them.

    At the beginning of every first wave the enemies are mostly cloths and bloats which are easy with headshots and the easiest way to score headshots is rapid firing with a smg as a SWAT. Unless you're accurate AND fast as a Commando, Gunslinger or Sharpshooter, playing SWAT is the only viable first wave class to play since spraying gets easy kills and with the right perks gets you free kevlar, an extra m9 to sell plus starting weapon. Everything else is genuinely trash.

    Speaking of weapons, the long awaited fire axe every one wanted? It's bad, it's slow, it doesn't make up for it with its damage and I have used it one or twice for funzies before switching to something else. Most weapons can't be really viable for the reload time they have and if they are slow they can only make up for it with damage which on a tier list is a handful at best.

    I hate the fact that something like the Blunderbust, Glock 18s or the SWAT shield are behind a pay wall since they the guns I had the most fun playing with, some people will never experience that since paying for a single weapon is pricey unlike in the first game where you would get 4 weapons for that money, isn't worth it.

    And you can argue that yes the weapons are shared if someone owns them but if you already actively play the game you have a rout of weapons you progress through and trying out someone elses DLC isn't something you're likely to do. If I recall correctly, Tripewire said they wouldn't do payed DLC weapons, that turned out well.

    I find it remarkable how Tripewire has actively removed exploits and maps for easy leveling of perks but somehow still allows servers to run farming maps on HoE which sometimes are the only populated servers I see. There will be 5 active farming servers but almost no servers with players on normal maps, I quit trying to play HoE because of it. And if there any people playing on HoE it's mostly on maps that have camping spots like the watch tower in Prison or Containment Station with it's corridor like hallways. Also said maps are pretty much only good maps to play Sharpshooter on, every pub it's only the tryhard playing it and when they die they rage quit. Anyone who I seen play Survivalist plays singleplayer on the other side of the map, only heals themselves with grenades and begs for money like a loot goblin when they die.

    There really needs to be a perk limit for joining HoE games since the difficulty is based on player count like common on. In most cases when I'd join a empty server and get to the last wave, lo and behold the server is full since people only join for the end of the game drops. Which was a thing until you would get the drops anyways even if you didn't win. I mean... why? Do people just play this for the skins??

    And finally character customization, You can get some goofy stuff out of the vault cases the game gives you for free, most of the time are chrismas pjs that everyone has mountains of. And some nice tinted black and gold weapon skins, but that's about it. Anything interesting is left on the steam market to be bought for a maybe reduced price from crates or to straight up buy it for it's face value.

    But even then! You can't know which parts your character can wear since some aren't viable with others and there is no way of knowing without purchasing and find out the hard way. The whole inventory system is set up like a early coders first job with every pick reseting you to the top of the list of items and has 0 user UI based around it. It really leaves you feeling like a cash grab with minimal effort.


    Feels like a triple A game

    I hate the community

    submitted by /u/StarlightTH
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    [REQUEST HELP] How can i fix this

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:52 AM PST

    Do you believe it's justified for some players to throw a public match while others want to continue?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:41 PM PST

    This is something that has been going on long enough and I'm speaking up about it.

    I encounter these type of people now and again unfortunately who think they're entitled to call the game when they feel like it. You want to end the game when you want then create a private match but don't try to ruin it for the others in the match that still want to continue. It's the whole reason of the game mode being "endless" and defeats the purpose if you believe you're entitled to throw the game simply because you are finished playing. Not to mention It's inconsiderate to the other players that have been in here and wish to continue.

    Anywho, earlier me and a couple friends were in an endless public match and made it to a relatively high wave considering we were playing a rather small map. These kids come on the mic trash talking cause they wanted us to throw the game that they started and we refused so i said it's not your game to end in a public server and this made them angry. They said they wanted to get offline and they've been in this game for 4 hours so i say ok no ones stopping you from leaving and dudes like no and I'm like why? "Cause i want to see the scoreboard" "The scoreboard? You still have all the xp you gained in this match regardless so if you want to go then just leave" They start cursing at me and guy says i suck at this game and he got more xp than me. "I doubt that given your prestige and second i entered this game 25 waves after you and still surpassed you for most kills" "so? that doesn't mean anything" lol

    Then they tried everything from going afk to creating dosh piles to initiating kicks and none of it worked so we were at a stalemate. A few waves later and we're just playing with 3 afkers now so i was like you know what let them have their way It's quite stupid and i don't really care. Was quite funny though, gave me flashbacks of MW2 days 😂 btw when we ended the game i had 5 out of the 8 team awards including Zed Slayer so there's your scoreboard with my name all over it pal 😊

    submitted by /u/Yharl_Ballin
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    Killing Floor 2 crashed and takes Steam with it

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:10 PM PST

    so I tried multiple times it always blank/black screen but with the main menu music on then crashes then takes steam with it.

    I already tried verifying files, restarted multiple times. it always will happen.

    will probably reinstall the game if that doesn anything.

    submitted by /u/Trick2056
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    Remove the Helios rifle and give us a proper Firebug weapon!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    As a true Firebug I hate the Helios rifle, in fact I don't think I've ever even used it and when I've got the dosh I've always gone for the Microwave gun. The way I see it is if it shoots fire and can make a groundfire then it's a proper Firebug weapon. After all my job is to clear trash not take on big zeds.

    On that subject I wonder if it'd be possible to give the Firebug a Napalm gun or something similar? A weapon that causes a ton of ground fire and burns for longer than the Flamethrower but doesn't do enough damage to kill the big zeds. More range than the standard Flamethrower could be good too.

    I'm just sick of the FB being turned into another cookie cutter Commando type perk instead of the pyromaniacs that we should be.

    submitted by /u/dannaryan
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