• Breaking News

    Friday, November 20, 2020

    Killing Floor Got downvoted for saying it. So here's proof that the Commandos 25 Skill Machine Gunner is and will always be better than 25 Skill Tactician.

    Killing Floor Got downvoted for saying it. So here's proof that the Commandos 25 Skill Machine Gunner is and will always be better than 25 Skill Tactician.

    Got downvoted for saying it. So here's proof that the Commandos 25 Skill Machine Gunner is and will always be better than 25 Skill Tactician.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Medic gang where you at?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Mine Reconstructor Rebalancing Idea

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:40 PM PST

    So with the HRG Vampire getting a similar "charged glob" gameplay, higher reserve ammo, faster equip speed, additional bleeding/suctioning potential, high-damage "spikes", the exact same weight, and better healing than the Mine Reconstructor, I think a rebalancing of the latter would be in order (especially considering it was a paid weapon). Following Tripwire's initially-stated goal of making DLC weapons try to introduce new mechanics while serving similar roles to free weapons, here is one idea for the Mine Reconstructor:

    - Make it Tier 5 and a weight of 9.
    - Reserve ammo increased from 108 up to 120.
    - Twice the magazine size.
    - Mines also release a blue cloud of healing gas upon explosion. (The size and duration of the cloud would depend upon the charge level of the mine, but the maximum would be a slightly larger radius than a healing grenade with half the duration of one.)
    - Healing of explosions reduced from 4-40 down to 2-20 in order to partially - but not completely - account for the addition of healing gas. (Explosions still only heal teammates, but the gas clouds can self-heal.)

    This suggestion would essentially aim to make the Mine Reconstructor a side-grade to the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle. Neither the 501 nor the Reconstructor have access to darts. 120 ammo would equate to 20 fully-charged mines, each supplying half the gas duration of a 501 grenade (which can carry 10, making total durations equal). The initial healing of the Reconstructor's explosions would be halved, but would still mean that the Reconstructor would have higher overall healing potential than the 501. (The HMTech-501 can heal up to 800, whereas the Reconstructor would be able to heal up to 1,200). To compensate for this, 1 weight would be added to the Reconstructor in order to limit access to alternative sources of damage and healing, such as the HMTech-401 or the Healthrower. The mines are rather effective offensively for a Medic weapon (especially with gas), but the 501 has an entirely separate ammo pool for its versatile assault rifle and would also have greater loadout flexibility.

    (More balancing to my idea would almost certainly be required, whether it be in stats or cost. This is just to show one direction in which the Mine Reconstructor could be improved while further differentiating itself from the new HRG Vampire!)

    submitted by /u/TheWaywardKid
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    HRG Kaboomstick not firing pellets

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:44 AM PST

    The Kaboomstick appears to be bugged, sometimes when I fire no pellets come out. I tried to do a quick google about it and only found one or two things about it, is this something Tripwire are aware of?

    submitted by /u/Cartelrisen
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    So glad my favorite weapon is getting buffed!!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:46 AM PST

    So lately I've graduated towards Support and I've LOVE the HRG Buckshots. Some people flat out refuse to acknowledge it but I use them for HVT, trash, and, in some cases, a quick dps attack on the bosses. Ther one problem is terrible recoil (which is controllable with practice) and it's stupid spread. And wouldn't you know it those areas being drastically reduced! Hopefully that means they'll be used more but regardless, I'll be utilizing them like always, but with more devastating results

    submitted by /u/StudMuffinNick
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    hypothteitcally speaking if you could rip out someones spine, with extreme force wit hinterntion, sort of lets say complety break every bone in lower half of spine in one swift movment(finger wave) would they die from shock? i want to make the deaths of ppl controlling me painful and agnosizing. I promised painful thing is if they die from the shock it will kind of suck. sense of knowing with a psy abilty for killing with a strong frame of how i can easily rip someone apart with ease control and extreme force( targets confirmed universaly evil) tips on how i cause massive dmg w.o killing? efore you come with me w shit not a single bad person is gifted with killing abiltiy thats bad so plz dont waste time and give me crap. rundown of level or tolerance of human body or any info would be nice. also doing something to severely severly effect me sort of made me msg negatively and leave advice groups and still ongoing can feel how unatural it is. its super severe. feel free to confirm kill ability sense of knwoign with it with the stuff tracking me of you know what i mean. will kill evil (will take request for evil ppl money along the way plus do for th good) contact me in any way adress is

    msg me or coantct any way 1st 2 kills should be sufficent evidence if the knowign there isnt enough belavibilty even with the knowing. severly effecting me right now where im forced to a state of not giving a shit is suuuuper extreme( unatral med idnustry can be proved in all sorts of ways)

    submitted by /u/hmmmm302
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    There are multiple sets of some cosmetic items in my inventory

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:03 AM PST

    Twice of each DAR skins, double of some of the free weapon skins we got. Its annoying when looking through my inventory.

    Why is that? Is it an issue on my end? Is it a game issue? Will it be fixed?

    submitted by /u/Cheeeeseyboi
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    question to any exclusive Combat Medic players -- why?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    By exclusive Combat Medic, I mean mainly playing medic with most to all R perk skills.

    Why play as such?

    submitted by /u/Zolgrave
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    Drinks on me tonight!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:40 AM PST

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