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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Killing Floor When the cost of a single gun is more than the entire game on sale

    Killing Floor When the cost of a single gun is more than the entire game on sale

    When the cost of a single gun is more than the entire game on sale

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    So remind me again why we can't buy DLC weapons without the skins when they're *literally* listed as separate purchases in your Steam purchase history?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    is it worth a buy right now?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Since KF2 is now on sale on steam I wondered if there still are people active on PC and if it is worth getting? (I know it's currently on play for free as well, but I don't want to assume there will be as much players playing. I'm in europe if that matters)

    submitted by /u/BurstDevil
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    Any movies that are like this game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I wanna watch a movie that is like killing floor, I watched GANTZ:O on netflix and found killing floor by looking for suggestions on games similar to that movie, but I want more movies that are like that

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyLiamH
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    M&K for PS4

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Just Wondering if it's possible to play this game in mouse and keyboard

    My pc parts are all shipping right now but I want to practise M&K and thought this would be a good game to get used to it on

    submitted by /u/Curiously_Joe
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    Can’t view the add-ons on Xbox?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Does anyone else have this problem where you go to look at the add-ons for the game and you can only see the crate bundles, not the outfit or weapon bundles?

    submitted by /u/SpeakeasyG1887
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    Why hasn't Tripwire added a way to scrap Precious items yet?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    I imagine a decent chunk of players have spent a bit of Dosh on cosmetic items, be it a new set of goggles for Skully or a skin for your favorite weapon.

    But maybe you've let Lady Luck decide your items with crates and usbs. You open a usb, and what do you get inside?

    An RGB skin... For a gun you don't use.

    If you're on PC, you'll just slap that stuff on the steam marketplace and get your dosh back, but if you're a console player, ha ha, you are now stuck with a precious item you don't even use.

    I may be a minority, but I personally don't like the gold and neon items in kf2, mainly because they're really distracting. And now I'm stuck with a DAR outfit that makes him look like a spraypainted Transformer and a gun that looks like a keyboard!

    I feel like it would be better to be able to scrap these items for a bunch of exceptional material, it would at least make up for it.

    Anyone else agree?

    submitted by /u/Kingz_Of_Astora
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    So who’s gonna tell tony?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Can you get the ski mask on xbox?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I've really wanted the ski mask for a while now but cant seem to find any info on where to get it. Is it a drop you can randomly get for a match or is there any crate i can get it in?

    submitted by /u/Panzerman01
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    After playing KF2 on and off for a year, I finally max prestiged everything

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    1 New Community Map

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    G18c ironsights are not aligned (plus horrible Santa's Helper sleeve)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Intense KF1 game with the "Insane Mod" by the Bloody Hell Community. Enjoy !

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Here's An Album Of Every Unisex Premium Outfit + Foster

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Welcome Wednesday - 6/3/20

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    If you're a new/novice player and have questions -- any questions -- this is a great place to ask them.

    This is a place where everyone in the r/KillingFloor community can answer questions that new players might have. This could be anything from advice on which class to play, what guns to buy, how to take down specific zeds, how certain perks work, etc. This thread is geared towards new players but anyone is free to ask questions and answer questions.

    If you are looking to find people to play with feel free to say so but also check out the LFG post below.


    Relevant Links:

    • Subreddit Wiki FAQ - Answers a lot of basic frequently asked questions here (which we'll add to over time). Includes a lists of crates and what's in them. Also includes a basic guide on DLCs and how to test drive the DLC weapons (command codes are pc only).

    • LFG post - LFG stands for "looking for group". You can put yourself on the list, add people to your friends list from it, and look for servers (servers are pc only)

    • Big ol' Doc of Everything - Lists numbers of everything. Basically a mechanical reference for KF2 and explains a lot of stuff. I promise it's worth a look.

    New Player Guides:

    • Suicidal and Hell on Earth: A Guide - "what's" and "why's" of optimal play, but includes a thorough examination of the meta concepts and the thought processes that arrive at those conclusions.
    • Richard Dangles - A youtuber that covers various aspects of the game such as loadouts and tips/tricks.
    • (suggest any good written guides or videos you've come across so we can add them to the weekly thread)

    Killing Floor 1 Related:

    • Exiled Coalition - A discord gaming community based on Killing Floor 1 that strives to bring a sense of gaming companionship in this decade old game. You can connect with KF1 servers and other players here.
    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    Gunslinger Glocks, OP or not? What do you think?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    As I´ve heard alot of people state the Glocks are OP, I kinda wonder where they come from, because, really, I dont see it.

    Yeah, they got alot of ammo, yeah they are full auto, but so what? Let me elaborate on some of its weaknesses and you can try and tell me why I´m wrong or what exactly I am missing here.

    First thing, I admit they are pretty good vs calm FPs if you manage to get close and ADS. Its a pretty forgiving takedown with lots of room for error. However....thats kinda it. I dont see what else they do better or equally good as other weapons.

    The most glaring weakness is the spread. Either you ADS even at mid range, or you´ll miss your shots randomly. This is a big problem vs tankier trash, as they can start to block which wastes time. It also makes consistant mid range takedowns impossible. Its not a precise weapon. A big mag size doesnt do much if you need more shots to kill and shots randomly miss due to the spread.

    It has the worst Scrake takedown of all GS weapons, because it has too little gunhit power and doesnt flinch them even a little.

    Its garbage vs raging FPs, as you cant effectively backpaddle and shoot (again, the spread) which all other good GS weapons can.

    Its 8 fuckin blocks; which leaves you with limited loadout options.

    So....what exactly makes them so good? Please dont tell me insta REU, because that isnt a big deal. I can get REU stacks just fine with other weapons, and they arent as big of a deal as people make them out to be.

    Enlighten me.

    submitted by /u/Zakillah
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    No vault chests?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys I'm having an issue getting chests from the vault, I complete the dosh requirement and don't get anything, is there anything I can do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/oooooooopss
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    Initial Reaction to Perilous Plunder DLC Weapons

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I purchased both Perilous Plunder DLC Weapons and went into a Hard Endless match with them in order to do the weekly. Played the first 10 rounds as Support (in order to afford the gun and also try it out for a decent amount of time on Support), then 5 rounds as Demo and 5 rounds as Gunslinger with the Glocks. This is my initial reaction after 20 rounds of Endless Hard with these four weapons, playing with perks a little under level 15.

    BLUNDERBUSS (Support)

    The gun is actually insanely good on Support for two reasons:

    • It's two weapons (a shotgun and a grenade launcher)

    • It's a grenade launcher that benefits from your perk's damage increase

    Let's talk about both sides of the weapon from the Support perspective:

    • Grenade (Main Fire / Left Click) - The grenade (or "cannonball"; whatever) is about on-par with the M79, though the Blunderbuss cannonballs seem to be heavier and not travel as far, have a slight detonation delay, and seems to do more damage (which makes sense given the weapon's price point.) However the biggest positive to the Blunderbuss over the M79 is the fire rate. The 3 shot clip size combined with the insanely fast reload (especially with the reload skill, but even without it the reload is ridiculously fast) means that you can shoot a lot more explosives out far faster than the M79. Also the cannon balls don't seem to have a "safety" mechanic like the M79 where it will dud at close range, which instantly makes it a lot more effective when being swarmed! It also seems like the grenades still explode even if a Siren is screaming which honestly feels like a bug.

    • Shotgun (Alt Fire / Middle Click) - The "shrapnel blast" of the blunderbuss effectively works like the nail gun (Vlad the impaler) but with a seemingly tighter blast cone. Again the biggest benefit of the shrapnel blast however is the decently high fire rate combined with the insanely fast reload. It's far more effective than the nail gun (for Support) because of the faster rate of fire, allowing you to put out more shots in a choke which is what the ricocheting bullets are meant to be good at. Also unlike the nail gun the Blunderbuss actually has an ammo reserve? I mean it's still not amazing if you're going to shoot it at every solo clot you see but compared to the nail gun it doesn't chew up ammo as fast.

    Overall the Blunderbuss seems like a great backup weapon for any Support. It's never going to be your main weapon over the AA12 or the Doomstick, since the DPS of those guns is far higher even if the Blunderbuss has explosives. But as a backup for trash clearing having a grenade launcher combined with ricocheting bullets makes it a very good room clearing weapon. It's by no means OP since you can just buy Vlad the Impaler and / or an M79 as Support to accomplish effectively the same things that the Blunderbuss does, but the ability to quickly switch between the two fire modes with the Blunderbuss and its "light" package (7 carry weight v.s. a gun that weighs 6 and a gun that weighs 5) gives it value. My only real complaint is a slight nitpick that I feel like the cannonball should be the alt fire, as its the more "situational" shot that also requires less precision aiming.

    8/10 for Support


    Immediately won't be meta because it can't be carried with the RPG-7.

    But it can be carried with guns like the harpoon gun and the newly buffed Seeker Six, so with that in mind it's still worth mentioning how it does on Demo... it's alright. It's the reverse of why the Blunderbuss is good on Support; it has a shotgun that gets increased by your perk's damage increase which can be very good for Demo. (I often purchase a shotgun as Demo off-perk to protect myself.) The Grenade Launcher (again) is on-par with the M79 in everything but damage so it's not providing added utility with its main fire.

    It's pretty much rendered unusable due to its carry weight and inability to be purchased with the RPG, but even outside of that it fails to provide much over other backup weapons that Demo has. M16 effectively does exactly what the Blunderbuss does but lighter and at range, and the new Kaboomstick gives Demo all the close-range clear it could ever need. Even off-perking with an HRG Buckshot or Medic Shotty makes more sense.

    3/10 for Demolitionist

    GLOCK 18C

    Complete trash. Glocks are proof that Tripwire need to stop listening to the Payday 2 playerbase since they'll keep asking for dumb meme guns that get used for two weeks and then never get used again. The Riot Shield is literally the only weapon they ever added as a request from the Payday 2 community that worked and that's because it was so far away from the requested Riot shield (effectively just being fancy iron sights instead of being a melee weapon) that it ended up actually working.

    The biggest crime of the gun is that it weighs 4 pounds for a single glock. This means that a single glock weighs as much as two (unupgraded) Desert Eagles, and two glocks weigh 8 pounds, as much as any other gunslinger gun would weigh at Tier 5! And if you upgrade the glocks they reach a total of 10 carry weight! How the fuck do guns made out of goddamn PLASTIC weigh more than a rocket launcher?!

    So let's exclude the fact that there's literally no way that the glocks will ever be meta because they can't be purchased with Tier 5 Deagles: wow the Glocks are bad. They do 37 damage per hit (according to the Killing Floor Wiki)... the 9mm does 25 damage! The glocks do an entire 12 more damage per shot than the baseline 9mm!

    "But the Glocks are full-auto!" I hear you say. I mean let's ignore the fact that you're going to one-shot most trash you shoot at anyways: yes the gun does do an impressive 740 DPS... if you manage to hit all your shots. But you won't because the bullet spread on the gun is freaking godawful! I could literally be shooting at a Fleshpound running straight at me and still miss about 20% of my shots because of the bullet spread. It's only really effective in very close range and every Gunslinger gun works well at close range... Or an off-perk gun... Or your knife.

    The reload speed of the guns are godawful; it reloads slower than any other pistol in the game. (As to be expected to be fair.) Yes I didn't test them with tactical reload but I really don't want to. The gun feels so unsatisfying to shoot: it has no recoil, the sound design is terrible (the suppressor contributes nothing other than making the gun feel weaker), and I can't even have fun with idle reloads because the gun seemingly lifts its full-clip reload sound directly from the AF2011s.

    The only niche the Glocks might fill for Gunslinger is trash clearing, but Gunslinger is already more than capable of trash clearing (especially with the Rhinos or even the Spitfires.) There's maybe some use for the Glocks as a backup weapon for Survivalist but at that point why not just buy a Kriss or something similar instead of buying a Chinese knockoff Kriss that weighs 8 pounds??? The glock skins don't even look that good, seemingly just to add insult to injury. The glocks get the honor of being the first weapon DLC for Killing Floor 2 I've refunded. I know that the difference between the Blunderbuss solo and the Blunderbuss + Glock combo is a mere 4 dollars and 50 cents but I'd rather have $5 to buy a burger than see some default Foster buy the Glocks because I have them available to share.


    submitted by /u/TigerKirby215
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    How to alt fire healing bullets with the medic

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    Lol I'm level 25 with four characters, except now I'm trying to play the medic and have no idea how to heal people with the bullets. What button?

    submitted by /u/MileyCyrusHasCorona
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    Where all all the players??

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    No one playing suicidal usually these events bring more people in.

    submitted by /u/imafruit0201
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    Is it worth getting Killing floor 2 (PC) for £6.59?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I've had it on PS4 for a few years and I've been enjoying it, was wondering if its worth upgrading to PC.

    submitted by /u/Wild-Man-63
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    Explosions are cool, yeah?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    This game is hilarious with friends.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    What are the drop rates?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    I did 5 normal 4 rounds I got 1 reward but there's a 4x drop rate so do I need to do harder or what? What are drop rates in this game and I haven't got a vault box in months now i Fill it up and nothing why?

    submitted by /u/HiddenSr
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