• Breaking News

    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Killing Floor Pretty much

    Killing Floor Pretty much

    Pretty much

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Had to reset the weekly because of this. Yay.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    How do I survive against Bigs?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I'm kinda new to KF2, and I don't really know how people survive against charging Scrakes and FPs. It's kinda hard when on Suicidal, I'm bound to take 70 damage from a single FP charging. How exactly do I avoid them, or at least minimise damage taken?

    submitted by /u/eevyern
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    kf space program

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Zerkers grabbing all the Ammo Packs?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Is it just a PS4 issue or is this more wide spread?

    Since the lockdown went into effect I've seen a drastic uptick in Berserkers rushing for all the Ammo Packs every match.

    It's been in 90% of my matches in the last few weeks that you'll be heading to grab an ammo pack and Zerker swoops in and nabs it.

    I mean it's annoying but I guess that EMP grenade is more important than me being able to heal you.

    submitted by /u/DeathBySuplex
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    MOTD does not appear

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Hello, I have a problem, as indicated in the title, the MOTD does not appear during the welcome screen when we join my server.

    I tried on a stock / clean server and it works, here are attached the pastebin of the PCServer-KFGame.ini files (I presume that the problem comes from there because it is a priori the only thing that changes between the 2 )

    My server : https://pastebin.com/uQGyAEsF

    Stock/Clean server : https://pastebin.com/KBLdnvnz

    ( I specify that the problem probably does not come from the line "ServerMOTD =" because it worked perfectly before )

    Thank you in advance for your answers

    EDIT : Finally the problem come from the line "ServerMOTD"... blob:https://imgur.com/c2b536e2-4cac-40e4-a4d3-7d4eb5da6813 i replaced the scoreboard by one word and it works...

    submitted by /u/Yakonche
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    Bosses that are too weak IMO

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    • Abomination : just walk backwards and shoot. He can't catch up to you because he's so damn slow, gets stumbled or stunned by everything and has no ranged attacks at all. His spawns are pretty much useless if you keep moving backwards.

    Easily the worst "boss" . Every aspect of him needs to be buffed,he's that bad.

    • King Fleshpound : just a big fleshpound with a laser. He doesn't change targets so a berserker can distract him forever while the rest of the team shoots the hell out of him. The only thing that makes him a bit of a threat are his quarterpounder squads and his explosions while raging that kills too many zerker noobs.

    His rage mechanic needs to be changed. Once raged he can attack 3 times instead of one (just like in versus mode) and focus only one player until he calms down. Once he rages again he chooses another player. To add a weakness to this new mechanic, King FP can take 50% more damage than he does now until he rages.

    Also remove or buff that spin attack,it's useless.

    This new mechanic should only be available in multiplayer. In singleplayer he would just demolish you.

    • Patriarch : Too predictable and gets killed before he even heals once like 90% of the times. He's also not that aggressive. He's supposed to be the "father" here but he spawns less and weaker zeds than Hans Volter for some reason.

    He should spawn small waves of zeds everytime he loses 20% of his health. Zed quantities and tiers will increase everytime he heals.

    To make it challenging to kill him before healing, he should spawn a huge wave of zeds very close to his location when he calls for his children. The amount of zeds decreases each time he runs away but fewer and better zeds will spawn. Let me give you an example : heal 1 only spawns 30-40 trash zeds (no gorefiends or rioters), heal 2 spawns 25 zeds : half of them are trash zeds,half of them are medium tier zeds (husk,siren,gorefiend,), heal 3 spawns 12 medium tier zeds and 3 large zeds.

    submitted by /u/LynRyu
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    I feel like I’m in the damn matrix sometimes!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Playing a precision perk alongside uncoordinated teammates?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to get into Gunslinger, but whenever I happen to run into a Firebug, or play with certain friends who do play Firebug, I find myself becoming drastically less effective. I'm not even sure if I'm just imagining it, but it just feels so much harder to see what's going on and land headshots. I know that one solution is communication and working around it, but as that isn't always the sort of setting I play the game in, is there any advice for dealing with this sort of situation that isn't focused on better coordination between teammates?

    I guess the same question goes for Sharp and Commando, which I hear are also both precision perks that suffer from Firebug-related issues.

    submitted by /u/MagpieFirefly
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    Upgrading a Weapon Should Also Increase Ammunition Storage Capacity

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Often I find myself in love with whatever weapon I upgrade fully. This is of course until I run out of ammo and have to switch weapons. It would make it less tempting to go with 3 base weapons vs 1-2 upgraded ones. I think both playstyles should coexist as equal options, and this would be a good way to do that.

    submitted by /u/itz_420_Sl4y3r
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    Can someone help me get "quick on the trigger" trophy ps4?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Add me on ps4: ZomBiE-sLayER652

    submitted by /u/DylannLe
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    Rubberbanding issues on a low-ping server

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I recently got back into KF2 after about 7 months of not playing it, and I noticed an issue.

    Whenever I play on any online servers, I fling forward/backward very often while I run. This has noticeably gotten me killed a few times already where I try to run past something and instead run right into it and get cornered.

    I never had this issue before, and my internet is fine for other games right now. These issues are still very much present on the lowest ping server I could find (33).

    Is this just an issue with the game or is something wrong? I have only tested on public servers as I don't have any friends to play this game with.

    submitted by /u/IdiotGaming
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    Sorry Its Low Quality Its My first time trying to make something.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Zed Slayers Wanted

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    PS4 Player: TehFuzzehSSJ

    I am looking to complete the trophies to get Platinum on KF2, and I am just 2 trophies away from doing so. I need to get the trophy for Hell on Earth and 1 VS trophy (I can never seem to find full lobbies for either of these).

    I am an EU Player, usually on between 6-8, don't have a headset YET but I am expecting my new one tomorrow evening.

    Also would like to know which classes best fit HOE. I only have Support maxed out, but I would imagine Berserker would be a good class to max out for HOE?

    submitted by /u/TehFuzzehSSJ
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    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    So when i prestige does the 3% stack upon each successive prestige so like by prestige 5 or however high it goes i get 15% or more and is there really a point to prestiging or just for the like hey i main this class

    submitted by /u/ForunEnjuro
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    I hate so much this easy Xp map...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a picture of all the santas helper costume variation?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you. I looked all over but couldent find pictures of all the variations.

    submitted by /u/MidgetDragon08
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    Is anyone else on PS4 having trouble doing the weekly?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I keep trying to match into a lobby only to be forced into a glitched out Lobby that is stuck on the "Match Over, Please Wait" screen.

    I've waited a solid minute or two and it still hasn't started and I'd really like to knock out the Event Missions. 😕

    submitted by /u/KLucky1Broadcasts
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    Recently used the Pulverizer and it was FUN AS FUCK!!!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    My new go-to build is the Pulverizer/VLAD-1000, as two-right clicks deletes Fleshpounds. (Tested on Solo HoE as a level 24 Berserker) It also helps that it clears areas filled with trash.

    My recommendation for newbie Berserkers or Pulverizer users is to use to heavy attack on Pounds, Scrakes (only for the stun), groups of trash, Sirens, Bloats, E.D.A.R., and Husks. Upgrade to Tier 5 ASAP!

    VLAD-1000 is for shooting down range, in hallways, groups of trash, and when the Pulverizer is empty.

    It's no Zwei/VLAD, but it's satisfying and still pretty useful. (I need to test on 6-man HoE soon)

    submitted by /u/HoxtonNoir
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