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    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Killing Floor Matriarch's real superpower is shooting straight through concrete walls

    Killing Floor Matriarch's real superpower is shooting straight through concrete walls

    Matriarch's real superpower is shooting straight through concrete walls

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:03 AM PST

    HRG M16 thoughts?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:50 PM PST

    From my limited time with this thing, I'm leaning towards a verdict of "pretty good, at least for Firebug."

    Not having the recoil from Commando nor the damage boost from HPR sucks, but it's all manageable if you're doing bursts. Ammo reserve is alright. Grenades do their job if you shoot at chokes or dud-round medium zeds.

    Zed-Time changes the game since you can fire fast without ammo worries, allowing for solid DPS without limiting you to close range like most bug weapons. In addition, you can throw out grenades without having to reload after each shot, negating one of the biggest pains present on the actual M16. It still doesn't do great against FPs, but it does give you a panic button for Scrakes and QPs to a degree. (Then again, that's what the Helios is for, and you can carry both guns with surprising effectiveness.)

    One major concern is that with this gun being a thing, the Mac-10 is officially useless. Seriously, this thing outclasses it so badly it might as well not exist anymore.

    But I'd like to hear other thoughts. It's still early to tell for sure, but this seems to continue the trend of HRG weapons being very effective in the meta.

    submitted by /u/AdmiralAdjutant
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    Compound Bow impression

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:18 AM PST

    Pretty broken at the moment. On 6P HOE FP with RLLRR skills, it takes 3 charged shots to kill a FP and SC. 2 charged shots for QP. Charging and reloading is quite fast.

    Normal arrows to 500 damage when fully charged and 250 when uncharged. So its similar to a base railgun. It takes 2 cryo arrows to freeze big zeds. Both normal and cryo arrows share same ammo pool tho. Freeze also has a decent AOE. Not as big as nades but i was able to freeze 4 SC with 1 go

    On top of freeze, Normal arrows also have stun power similar to Xbow. So this makes Xbow well and truly obsolete

    The biggest issue is, you can carry this with EBR so EBR + Compound Bow basically trivialize both trash and big zeds

    So to sum up,

    -Fast reload with fast draw speed

    -2-3 shot on big zeds on 6p HOE

    -Access to both Stun + AOE Freeze

    -Ability to use it with best trash cleaning weapon, the EBR

    So yeah, potentially P2W dlc gun that makes base guns (xbow,spx) fairly obsolete

    EDIT- Forgot to mention it can be off perked on medic with 40 potential freeze arrows. You can carry it with 401. So bye bye freeze thrower

    EDIT 2 - I did some more testing and it actually 1 shot stuns FP with ballistic shock. And with ballistic shock its still 3 shots to kill. So that changes things a lot. Its even more powerful than i thought

    submitted by /u/peter491
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    KF2 crates on steam community market - what's the deal with massive sale spikes?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PST

    To sum up what I've noticed (and what I find sort of interesting): crates and usbs for KF2 have weird trend for sales on steam community market. Any crate will sell a dozen per hour for 0.03$, and then it will spike for several hunded to 1.5 sales for 0.50$.
    I've put several crates for 0.10-0.20$ to see if they'll sell, but them not selling lead me to assume that some sneaky business is about. What do you think?
    Could this be steam poorly calculating the graphs? Could the devs be trying to fake that the market is better than it is? What ploy is it at work here?

    submitted by /u/SirChardash
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    I can't post on tripwire's forums

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PST

    I just made an account on their forums and i can't post anything because i don't have "sufficient privilages" can someone explain this fuckery?

    submitted by /u/user1091
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    Why these weapons for this event?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:27 PM PST

    So for the Cyberpunk-Event we are getting:

    A compound bow, a modern-day weapon except for the magic ice-technology.
    A M16 with incendiary rounds and grenades, also a rather modern-day weapon. Atleast it has neon highlights.

    I mean: Atleast we're getting something, though I still don't like the price tag. But isn't this the one event were over-the-top-sci-fi weapons in the style of the Killerwatt or the Helios Rifle would be fitting?

    submitted by /u/RoughShadow
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    How do you report Beta bugs?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:52 AM PST

    I know every company has a slightly different process for reporting bugs for beta builds and I'm unfamiliar with TWI's. I did a search here and saw that HazardousMonkey used to do bug threads but I have no clue if any TWI employees will even scan reddit for issues and I want to make sure any bugs around here make it to their eyes.

    So what is Tripwire's procedure for reporting bugs for beta builds?

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
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    Are they teasing a new perk?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PST

    Are they teasing a new perk?

    In the workshop version of Biolapse this jar with the "Player's Promise" use to have the symbol of the martial artist, in the new update the symbol was changed to a "soon".

    What do you guys think?


    submitted by /u/LundAnon
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    Problem with the Season Objective

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PST

    The Objective where you have to kill 20 zeds in the meatgrinder doesn't work for me.

    I tried the push thingy which is pretty ineffective, I tried to push them with the Battering Ram Perk from the SWAT.

    Both methods worked but didn't give me any progress still on 0/20.

    Edit: Jumping in the meatgrinder doesn't kill you. You're simply stuck down there.

    Edit2: Credit to u/missing_trigger Pushing them by parrying works.

    Edit3: Jumping in the meatgrinder only seems to kill you during the round But you get teleported out when the timer ends when you jump in after the round.

    submitted by /u/inFamouZ007
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    Qst: Predicting "in-game sale" or "Double XP" event.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Anyone have any idea ? for next "in-game sale" or "Double XP" event.

    it is 2020 March, sadlly No sale , No Double XP for long.


    i will sure i will buy some DLCs Weps with 66% off,

    and Prestige my Medic(25) ,then fast-leveling from zero to 20.

    submitted by /u/Eiran_Kisotsu
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    I tried making a mod

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PST

    So I made a mod.

    The point of the mod was to explore tying bonuses to Rack 'Em Up but I didn't realize that I would have to reimplment a whole bunch of extra things on top of extending the classes including:

    • all the ballistics weapons
    • melee weapons (which are handled differently)
    • the UI was broken in a couple different places since custom classes don't have an online database to check
    • the localization had a hardcoded string that need to be located and changed

    In the end the current mod just gives all classes a headshot counter and nothing else. Important to note that this gives no damage bonuses except when you pick Rack 'Em Up like normal. The counter is unconditionally enabled for now though.

    I made a gameplay video about it, just some HoE Long gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v38AQHUK2iU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v38AQHUK2iU

    Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013410850

    Features of the mod:

    • headshot counter up to 255 stacks (ReU damage scales to 5 as normal)
    • out of combat accelerating count down
    • working skills loadout UI (always starts as all left skills though because there's no preference saving)
    • extended damage types to include things like knives and bashing ( syringe and welder bashing not included though :( )

    I wasn't expecting to spend as long as I did on this (~3 weeks). So I plan on maybe trying to implement actual gameplay changes to it at some point in the future.

    In the meanwhile I was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas about things that could tie in to it just like Rack 'Em Up.

    Some general mechanics I can think of off the stop of my head are things like:

    • get n stacks (linear bonus growth)
    • keep n stacks for s seconds (bonus after s seconds)
    • apply a full bonus on 1 but allow stacks to grow to n (kind of like an adrenaline system)

    One specific gameplay mechanic I was thinking of when I set about making this mod was to tie Berserker's speed (could also apply to sharp, medic & slinger too) the headshot counter. The counter could then be tied to skirmisher (to differentiate between dreadnaught and skirmisher). Finally, the stacks could be something like: On 1 stacks you get full movespeed bonuses. Stacks climb to a max of 5. This way Berserker can't just infinitely kite; they'd have to hit something every 2 seconds (ReU stacks count down every 2 seconds it turns out) to maintain their speed. But if they are in battle and get 5 stacks, they can run, heal, run back or just get out of there entirely for 10 seconds. Something like this.


    submitted by /u/trySufficient
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    Stylized KF1 Stalker

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:50 PM PST

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