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    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Killing Floor Missing this game

    Killing Floor Missing this game

    Missing this game

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm really missing this game currently and when I get home I believe I'm going to be downloading and hopping on, I'm on PS4 so send me a friend request with "KF2" in the text so I know where you're from, gamer tag is "BuckeyeFan_4eva" if you have any ideas on what I can change fifth grade brain name too, please do not hesitate to share lmao

    submitted by /u/wutTFisA-RedditBruh
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Offering my time to help anyone on PS4 get all collectable any map, we all need the easy platinum :p Tag: Diddydingo I'll be on from now for a few hours

    submitted by /u/Diddydingo
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    Next Patch Date

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    Anyone know when the next patch is supposed to drop? My Googlefu is lacking and the links under the resources tab ain't leading me anywhere. Xbox and PC.

    submitted by /u/jffry890
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    Why Tripwire doing everything horribly wrong:

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Selling DLC weapons for 10 Bugs??? A low amount of people going to buy them. Why not selling them for 5 bugs that people buy them. For example: 2 of 100 kf2 players buying them for 10. 10 people would buy them for 5. It's quite this simple. Also the crate keys. 2,50 bugs is waaaayyyy to much for cosmetics you don't know which one you get. A lot more people had bought them in the past, if they had sold them for 1$. Thats the reason why tripwire is doing the same mistake now... Tripwire! Wake Up! Otherwise Killing Floor 2 is will gonna be dead within less then a year! (Excuse my broken english, please)

    submitted by /u/Marschall_Art
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    KF2 updates and going Free-to-Play?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:34 AM PST

    This is going to be rather long post without memes.

    I'm sorry.

    i've also read that in the official discord, TW_Molly said something about "something big" happening this xmas update? i hope she doesn't mean the matriarch, something most players are already aware of.

    Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/killingfloor/comments/e6ac3k/is_there_any_precedent_for_events_to_update_at/f9otnck/

    Is Killing Floor 2 going Free-to-Play? I mean completely, like Team Fortress 2, and not just for a weekend.

    If you think about it, it makes sense:

    • Next (after winter) update there will be 60$ worth of weapon DLC sold in store. Then, there's 20$ character DLC and more than 20$ costume DLC, totaling over 100$ worth of DLC combined. That's not counting emotes, HFX, gambling, and loads of cosmetic items available through Steam market. Full KF 2 now costs more than triple-A titles at launch.

    • Relatively large amount of cosmetic crates they continue to push: see IJC Development work (their cosmetics partner). The point here is that with the current player base it will be impossible to sustain the kind of in-game economy they obviously aim for.

    • Most importantly, KF2 had already long adopted something like a Team Fortress 2 release cycle where there's new update every season, each brining with itself new crate series and a couple of approved community maps, maybe one developer-made as well.

    Looking from this perspective, there's no longer much reason to keep the present $30 tag on the base game. It only serves as a barrier for entry into KF2 Steam market and in-game store. Something people are more likely to spend inside in-game store rather than buying the game in the first place.

    And I don't see any problem with that. What bothers me is different though.

    They often talked about how there's "so much more to do" and how they don't want to "scale back" on what could be done (source), often in defense to introducing Zedconomy and paid DLC (later on).

    Now exactly what so much more they want/wanted to do?

    KF2 already has more maps than KF1, albeit mostly lower quality, maybe due to size restriction. Since they started all this monetization thing, they introduced annoying QFPs, half-effort bosses (KFP, Abomination), fucking E.D.A.R.s, turned Elite Alpha into shitty Roman legionary so that he could get his arrow bullet in a knee from us, bolted on retarded upgrade system that completely and unnecessarily broke previous balance, and now they are introducing zero-effort pointless HRG crap to placate that part of audience that is too butt-hurt over paid weapons (fixing crap with crap: good idea). Though I admit some of HRG ideas are nice, like Winterbites or Buckshot, but I'd very much prefer them to be real-looking detailed new weapons rather than recycled white models with HRG label slapped on them. Like, if you are going to reuse a mesh, at least put some damn effort into new skin texture.

    I've spent around 100$ combined inside their store and KF2 Steam market, not counting buying base game during EA, and deluxe edition on official release. I remember times when Burning Paris was the only finished map and Alberts together with Ana were the only available characters. I live in Eastern Europe and that 100$ I spent is quite a lot of money for a store which doesn't have regional prices. Lastly, their Trello board had been empty for quite some time.

    The game was in near-perfect state during Zed Landing update. It had almost perfect balance. I can easily imagine myself playing that version forever.

    • Remove fucking Rome-vision crap from Elite Alpha. Redesign him into half-cyborg so that only half of his head, parts of his torso, and some parts of his legs are metal and resistant to bullets, forcing player to aim better at fleshy parts, instead of forbidding headshots completely, which is dumbest thing possible. I mean isn't it already obvious that both "Rioter" as a name and Roman "Galean Irokez" shit helmet is just plain unfitting and retarded? Or did Horzine dabble in archaeology? Are we getting Civilization cross-over anytime soon?

    • Remove King FP and Abomination from boss pools on most maps. Make KFP 50% spawn on summer, circus-themed maps (other 50% divided between rest of bosses). Make Abomination 50% spawn on all Holdout-style, horror-themed maps. If I get to boss wave I want to fight real boss, not something that is impossible to loose to. If I ever want to fight KFP, KBloat I'd just go to their maps. I posted before about this, but very smart community here was kind enough to school me how hemoglobin works. I warned everyone about direction this game is going before there even were E.D.A.R.s.

    • You insist QFPs to be in-game always. OK. Make QFPs spawn instead of regular FP only during mid-early waves. That's a nice sense of progression before QFPs disappear and only big FPs start to appear.

    • Leave E.D.A.R.s only on steampunk maps. Or buff them, and make them spawn a trio (one of each kind) only once or only two times during a wave (small chance), drastically reducing their numbers. Everybody hates your annoying stupid E.D.A.R.s, you just can't get it?

    • Relegate upgrade system to endless-only. Endless offers plenty of time to buy upgrades, makes it actually useful and interesting process. Bring back old weapon damage and balance. Make new Tier 5 guns just very slightly more powerful than old Tier 4 to prevent their abuse.

    • Stop messing around with HUD colors and bring back classic combination of red & blue, the one that worked. Wonder why you had to make new gameplay option to restore old-style HUD? That's right: because your new one sucks. Too bad it doesn't revert it completely.

    • Make Survivalist spawn with a crossbow to offset his deficiencies. At least that would bring some use to this perk and fix a problem with his random starting weapon often not matching chosen level 5 skill. Can make his starting xbow sell like a T1 weapon to prevent abuse.

    Seriously, unfuck this poor game.

    For every problem this game has there exists almost trivial, easy solution.

    You have every damn form of monetization in your game, bloody what else do you need just to fix and finish what you started?

    submitted by /u/ubired
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    I finally gave in and I don't regret it

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    I finally gave into my desires and bought the ion sword. After listening to people telling and saying it's awful and not worth it I said fuck it and bought it anyways. Love the game, love the weapon, they'll always have my support

    submitted by /u/NjaSlade
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    Are workshop mods for KF1 working?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Because I subscribed to bunch of them and nothing happens. They are not the in the mutator tab or maps.

    submitted by /u/John190_the_maniac
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