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    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    Killing Floor New Trader pod skin for Christmas

    Killing Floor New Trader pod skin for Christmas

    New Trader pod skin for Christmas

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:35 AM PST

    G18 and Riot Shield. A perfect example of why we need a separate key for switching firing modes.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    I bring this up because I just tried the G18 and Riot Shield in beta 1 of Yuletide Horror and you can't even block or parry with it. What gives? I'm assuming it's because alt fire is used for switching the G18's firing mode between semi auto and full auto but that also means we can't even block or parry with the shield which is extremely silly. Your character puts the shield up when you ADS with the G18 but I'm not sure if it actually does anything. It's hard to tell.

    TW, please add a key for switching firing modes on weapons. Something like this could have so much potential for not only future weapons but ones we already have. Not only could we have a G18 with firing modes AND be able to block and parry with the shield but this could also mean being able to toggle the pulverizer and hemoclobber's heavy attack blast on and off at will. This would be a huge QoL thing that I'm sure many, if not, most players would love.

    Even the Mosin Nagant has the ability to block and parry and it's just a rifle. Not being to do that with a riot shield just feels wrong.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note, why you gotta make the window on the shield broken? :(

    submitted by /u/Deku_Scrublord
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    Why no seasonal themed event objective rewards?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    I don't get it. The halloween event Kriss skin reward and this FN FAL skin we have now in the seasonal objective mission. Neither of these skins were event themed. The kirss didn't have anything to do with halloween. And this FNFAL also has nothing to do with christmas.

    Why is that?

    submitted by /u/Myllari1
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    Matriarch hoe 6 player FAILED

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    What happened to the high scores in Incursion?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PST

    I went back into incursion to play a little holdout after several months of being without, and all the high scores are gone, and playing new games doesn't seem to add the scores to the (nonexistent) list.

    Dang, and I had a good one, too... at one time, I had the global high score on crucible...


    submitted by /u/GasBandit
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    When will console players get Sanitaruim?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 12:44 PM PST

    You're all making me jealous, lovecraft is my thing damn it

    submitted by /u/Wednesday-Atoms
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    Just got Killing Floor Double Feature an like it so far any tips??

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST

    HRG Medic gun is underwhelming

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:01 PM PST

    I was really hoping for something good, with TW announcing a medic weapon that could fire through zeds to heal a teammate. Instead what we got was a low effort re-skin of the railgun. Biggest issue with it is the lock on homing system when you look down your sights. I can't be waiting for the target to lock onto my dying teammate before I fire my healing dart, and same goes with shooting in general. I wanna be able to choose my own targets. What made the weapon work for sharpshooter was the ability to turn off that stupid homing function. However since the healing darts have taken over that button TW seems to have just forgotten. Can anyone provide tips on how to use the gun effectively? Or should I just not even bother

    submitted by /u/NjaSlade
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    Would I be able to run the game on ultra or high settings with these specs?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    Big Problemo

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:56 PM PST

    Im currently locked at my full resolution of 1366 x 768.
    With no other way to change it.
    Aspect Ratio is set to All and there is no other options for other Resolutions.

    setres doesn't work and changing systemsettings does nothing.

    submitted by /u/Gripz114
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    Shouldn't the Ion Thruster be a firebug weapon?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST

    I'm sure many of you didn't pay for the weapon, but for the players who did, why is this not a firebug weapon? I've heard that it's not crossperked because tripwire was afraid of balancing issues. But in the vanilla game, the Dragonsbreath was a firebug gun before crossperk let the support use it. So if they don't want to crossperk this weapon, why not follow the same logic that the game started with? "If it does fire damage, it's a firebug weapon first"

    submitted by /u/BEBA4U
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    How to fight the Matriarch

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:20 PM PST

    I have tried playing on survival in the Sanitarium map and endless but I haven't gotten too fight the matriarch yet and it's driving me nuts not being able to fight the new boss

    submitted by /u/RolandTheSlayer
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    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

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