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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Killing Floor New achievements

    Killing Floor New achievements

    New achievements

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    Dj Scully Costume!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:39 PM PDT

    Happy halloween

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    KF2 Monetization feels like it is from a Mobile Game

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    It is very intrusive and they keep adding more ways to monetize things, I wanted to refund my game when they introduced the shitty lootbox system during early access, it is pitiful that they haven't found better ways for us to support the game and instead they make us feel like we have to give cash in order to get additional gameplay features (Weapons)

    Add meaningful expansions that include stuff that I want to buy, not just one gun and skins for the gun, it is lazy and you can do much better than this

    submitted by /u/steelsoldier
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    A simple idea for improving Crossperk weapons to make them viable for both perks and not just one.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    Given that Tripwire can pretty much code anything into their own game, I fail to see why they can't do something like this. If we can make this idea heard, hopefully we can be able to viably use certain weapons with the perks they currently underperform with.

    The idea is to give a crossperk weapon certain benefits depending on the class that equips it. That way it can be on par with the other perk that equips it. Let us not kid ourselves here: most crossperks are just better off equipped by one class and not being equipped at all by the other class, unless you're going all memey which can risk your demise on higher difficulties.

    Here are ideas for 5 weapons that could receive additional buffs when equipped by a perk that it underperforms (or overperforms for one of the examples, in which it receives nerfs instead) with. The changes are bold to make them easier to see if you want to get to the point quicker:

    Hemoclobber (Medic) - I propose that when equipped by the Medic, it gets faster swinging speed, a little damage increase and be able to heal a bit of HP per light attack landed so the Medic can gain some life back upon bashing their way through Zeds, especially if they lack other healing tools and their syringe is on cooldown. This weapon currently completely benefits from Berserker in pretty much every way due to being a melee weapon, coupled with being able to heal teammates, being Medic's specialty. Since Medic doesn't specialize in meleeing, the swings are unbearably slow and weak. The Berserker is more of a Medic with this weapon than the Medic itself is, albeit not being able to provide buffs.

    Tommy Gun (SWAT) - Ah, yes, this weapon... completely overshadowed by the Commando due to the recoil reduction passive which SWAT lacks. The SWAT benefits are simple with this one as a result: reduced recoil. Make it as accurate as most SMGs in the SWAT's arsenal. It'll compete better with the MP5RAS this way - lower RoF in return for bigger ammo capacity and damage.

    Pulverizer (Demolitionist) - What's the point on using this for Demo again other than it does the boom thing with its alt-fire and that's it? Months ago I made a meme of how Hemoclobber was basically a cooler Pulverizer because it isn't a Trash Zed Knockdown Simulator. Most benefits from the Hemoclobber apply here - faster swing speed and more damage. And while we're at it, can the weapon in general get buffed, Tripwire? C'mon. Trash Zeds should die in one hit to this thing regardless of where they're hit rather than being thrown all over the place. I think this weapon should do more damage than Berserker overall since Demo normally isn't one to get up close and personal, plus it doesn't have things like increased speed, health regen and gaining damage & swing speed buffs via parrying. Gotta make destroying Fleshpounds and trash groups all the more better and satisfying with this thing.

    FN FAL ACOG (Commando) - This is the only weapon on the list that gets nerfs as opposed to buffs, which makes sense for obvious reasons. One of, if not THE most controversial example in crossperk weapon history, a weapon that makes Commando more busted than it already is due to its high damage thanks to being primarily a Sharpshooter weapon, coupled with Commando's recoil reduction passive so mowing down Zeds regardless of type is a cinch. Simply lower the damage to be more in line with Commando's arsenal, only just a tad bit more stronger than them since it's a Tier 4 weapon.

    MAC-10 (SWAT) - Not gonna lie, not sure how to balance this one for SWAT aside from buffing the damage of it so the normal damage of it does takes priority while the fire damage (being Firebug's specialty) does barely anything to balance it out. I'm not a 100% know-it-all when it comes to the mechanics in KF2, but I do know some key examples. If you've any ideas on how to improve the MAC-10 for SWAT, lemme know.

    Those're the examples I could think of as of now. Examples like the M16 M203, Winchester/Centerfire (Gunslinger) and the Medic Guns seem to be in an alright place since players are using those for both perks just fine while others like the HX25 (Gunslinger) and Dragonsbreath (Support) don't seem to be in a very good place due to rarely being used, most instances just for experimenting or memeing. What do you think should be done to underperforming crossperks? Remove their crossperk status? Or give them additional buffs to the class it underperforms with?

    And for those who're gonna bring up the HRG Weapons: Don't. They function completely differently from the weapons their models originate from, this is meant to be for the crossperk weapons, which function identically across both perks that can equip them, though for some it seems to benefit one perk the most and does little to nothing for the other compatible perk, in which this idea for applying additional buffs for the underwhelming side comes into play.

    submitted by /u/Rose-Supreme
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    I should've specified when I said "I want Rachel back"...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    I just paid for the game and i cant even fucking play it.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    EVERY TIME i launch it, it doesn't respond and crashes. I've tried -dx10 and i've tried deleting the game file in my games file but it didnt work. Please help.

    submitted by /u/SantaClauzss
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    OK TW you seem to be listening so here's another proposition for ya

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    Now i've seen the links from Krim Son or u/DiamondEclipse where i saw you put the Rhinos and Thruster both in the same package. Now if that package costs 10 usd for both then that's fair game but if thats 20 usd well.. i suppose it's more fairer question marks?????

    Anyways lemme just spitball this at you. You make Payday 2 / Overkill / Starbreeze blush.

    Payday 2 has

    •Safes [Lootboxes] that are free to open without a key to a certain series

    altho they drop within a week and the drop rates are worser than KF2 but much fairer you are overwhelming the consumer with all these dollar signs. Just tone it down a bit to give the rest of your other stuff more leeway. Plus we get whatever drop we want or get scrap or not and it's less frustrating. Compromise. However up to a certain series where the older crates require keys to open which is fair but limited. Giving a collector vibe to the older stuff. Encouraging the Steam Market for Payday 2. Now look to KF2.

    •Cheaper DLC's and more content [Now that's a bit unfair i'll give it that] you've got quite a ways to pull yourself outta this one in time but maybe you can pull it off if you keep at it

    •Non-DLC Weapons that aren't reskins and might make actual competition to the DLC's.


    The China Lake Grenade Launcher vs. Compact 40MM

    I will call it the China and Compact respectively.

    Now the China has 3 shots more powerful and is a DLC weapon.

    The Compact is a single shot but can be just as powerful as the China. Essentially the Compact is a weaker dlc variant of the dlc version and at least it's kinda like the China. Not much but at least you are throwing us a bone here and making it hurt less.

    To which i think you tried to do with the HRG Buckshot. Give it a bit of shrapnel and richochet even weaker than the Rhinos - so people can be like 'Hey i don't have the Rhinos but at least i have something' esentially you are giving people a chance at the DLC's before they try out the DLC's for real.

    Now the Compact [Non-DLC / Free variant]was released a year after its DLC variant. Isn't that amazing??

    Of course you could shorten those spans if you choose i leave that to your discretion.

    Now it's gonna be a bit till you get to that point. But this is something you can clearly follow. [If you choose to do so]

    Killing Floor 2 has

    • Lootboxes that constantly drop and need a key to open[every single time] or you can craft into a material.

    We are already dealing with rng / almost scrap everytime so why need a key everytime? just make it free to open up to a certain series

    •DLC which isn't too fair - Yeah i know you guys need to keep it a float or whatever. So why not have more payment options? Why restrict us to 10 usd? Why only 1 choice?

    20 USD for both Rhino's and Thruster with all skins included [ Which you seem to already be doing. i'll look to that]

    10 USD for both Rhino's and Thruster only with no skins

    5 USD for either Rhino's or Thruster

    and 5 USD for the skins pack for each dlc weapon for whatever reason...

    you can do the rest of the future weapon dlc's this way and maybe even chock it up in a huge bundle just like what Payday 2 did with their Ultimate Edition / Legacy Edition down the road.

    •Non-DLC weapons that lack punch ummmpph ir. Just a reskin of a current weapon with a new twist... Try putting some love and or maybe 'effort' into a Non-DLC weapon and you will see some glistening ahead. And maybe people won't feel as bad paying for the DLC as much as you put work into the free stuff. Take it slow try it once. See how that goes. If it fails feel free to blame me as much as you want.

    and then later down the line you can do a collab with Payday 2 cause why not?

    i've made my point now and have been spouting this on the KF2 steam forums but that seems to get drowned out so i'm chalking it up here.

    now we wait.


    tldr - Zedconomy neeeds a rehaul to make DLC more fairer and better cause currently Payday 2 has a better MTX and DLC system and TW could take some notes from them

    submitted by /u/whalecrown
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    Created new ring particle from Dr. Strange, this is what I ended up with

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Best weapons and purchase order of gunslinger guns.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Just curious

    submitted by /u/godfather0208
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    Is there Double XP/Drop Rate this weekend?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    I need some dosh now! Happy Halloween!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    [PS4] Can anyone help me with challanges before the event ends?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    I want that sweet weapon skin

    submitted by /u/urimusha
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    My Halloween Foster cosplay

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Killing Floor 2 - Rhino - A Complete Guide and Review

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    I hope you like it! And yes I think $10 is too much for this weapon! Let me know what you think and what weapon you would like to see after the Ion Thruster. I like to go in-depth with these videos.


    submitted by /u/CabooseDOTexe
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    This is a dark and heavy gaming playlist inspired by Killing Floor. Hope you enjoy it and give it a try when you game. [OC]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    Kf1 on ps4

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    Please make this happen ill buy it full price. I miss the trader, player insult, monster insult, the sound. Its probably nostalgia but i like kf1 more than kf2 to be honest

    submitted by /u/IanZ123
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